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Info about your system

To view information about your system, execute the doctor command:

gowebly doctor
go run doctor

And result will be:

✓ Your system information has been collected successfully!

│ Copy this information to paste into an issue ↘

│ Gowebly CLI: v3.0.0 (build with go1.24.1 on darwin/arm64)

│ Go: 1.24.1 darwin/arm64
│ Node.js version: 20.18.3 (npm 10.8.2)
│ Bun version: 1.2.4

│ Is Air tool installed? true
│ Is Templ package installed? true

✱ For more information go to the official docs:

Gowebly CLI is 100% free and Open Source project under the Apache 2.0 license.
Official logo distributed under the Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International).